Friday, August 27, 2010

First Steps with Kindergarten

Kindergarted started yesterday - I will be seeing them twice a week for 20 minutes and will be following the First Steps Year One curriculum plans! I started a blog for 1-5th grade with GamePlan so that I can continue to track my way through the year!!! I spoke to John Feierabend in an e-mail to see if he had a "scope and sequence" but there is none yet for First Steps. So, as I go along each month I'll be making a note of what my Kinders will be accomplishing as they come to class and how I've adapted some of the activities!!!

Day 1:
I actually started class in a circle around a gathering drum. Students came and played "my name is _____" and we echoed "her name is _____" We went around the circle until all had played the drum and said their name.
We then learned "No More Pie." I sang the entire song and then sang again leaving out some of the rhyming words to see if they could remember what they were! For example, I sang "Oh my, no more pie. Pie's to sweet. I want a piece of _____" and they sang out "meat!"
Then, we spoke about echoes and we sang again with students being the echo. We sang a 3rd time with the recording from "Had a Little Rooster."
After singing No More Pie we watched #2 from the Move It DVD and moved along with the performers. Then, I used the CD track and students mirrored my movements. The 3rd time we moved to the song we got scarves and had our scarves "paint the sky" during the music!

Day 2:
Students began with reviewing "No More Pie"
I showed them my slide whistle and we made an "ooooo" sound to mimick the sound of the whistle. Then, I played the whistle and they had to follow the sound - we had fun going fast!!!
I got out my frog guiro and started playing a steady beat. I told students to pretend their hands were a frog and the frog had to jump to the steady beat on different parts of their body. We jumped on our knees, shoulders, head, etc! I also did the Feierabendish steady beat motion of jumping one hand from the wrist up the other arm in a 4 beat pattern. (Go to one of his workshops to see what I mean!!!) Having the visual of the "frog" really helped them understand movement to the steady beat.
I taught the song "Frog in the Meadow" and we jumped our hand frogs in different parts of the body, letting children explore on their own. I watched, assessing students who were having trouble with that concept.
Then, we got in a circle and sang the song repeatedly so each child could be the "frog in the meadow" and jump like a frog! It was great to help me reinforce names. When one student was done they picked a new frog. It also helps that the song is so short! I wanted them to jump to the steady beat but really, I was just fine for them to be a little crazy getting their wiggles out and showing off for their friends! :)
Then we were all frogs and jumped to the recording of Frog in the Meadow.
We had a little bit of time left so I passed out rhythm sticks and began to learn Hap Palmer's "Tap Your Sticks" from "Rhythms on Parade."

begin experiencing echo songs
use singing voice
explore vocal exploration sounds
experience moving to steady beat
experience moving to classical music

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